The new home studio is coming along slowly!

In the spring of 2022 we began construction on the detached garage of my dreams!  Come on, who among us hasn't dreamed of a detached garage?  Well, thanks to the low interest rates and a skilled mortgage broker (me.) we were able to finance the dream and we broke ground as soon as the snow cleared in the spring.   The garage will have a 1 bedroom apartment upstairs, which I will use as a recording studio - I can't wait to have musical friends over on a regular basis to write, record and rehearse in this space! 

In the garage space below I'll set up a wood-shop, I hope someday to build guitars in it, but for now it will have to house vehicles as well!

To my neighbors, I apologize for how tall it is - It looks a lot more "appropriately sized" on paper.  

Here are a few pictures of the project and the plans.  

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